Wholesale is available to qualified businesses for the products. Opening orders are 1000 Euros minimum and in Units of 6 pieces each Minimum. You can order 6, 7, 8 etc. but you cannot order just 1 or 2, after all this is Wholesale. With each group or unit of 12 per item we give you a free one. Example order 6 of an item you get 6 pieces, order 12 pieces get 13. The free piece you may sell or use to create Samplers for your customers. We find samplers work and usually customers return in a few days of trying the samplers. Of course you may order products to try out by single units, but the bulk of the order is by 6 piece increments. Wholesale, how it works.
To create a wholesale account please create an account online, ('My Account' top right of screen) once that is created and we have your business information (see below) we will convert your account to wholesale and notify you when it is ready and you have access to Wholesale. Business Information needed to establish a Wholesale Account Training, is very important because our products really are THAT different. Understanding the difference makes all the difference and your customers will be very glad you know. For example many think their skin is dry when in fact it is Oily Combination (this is the most common skin type, oily in some areas but dry in certain areas) if you give this skin type product for Dry Skin it results will not be as effective as if they had products for Oily Combination skin. Dry skin is rare and it is something you are born with. Skin does tend to dry as we get older post menopause, and that's where the Rose product line comes in! Feel free to contact us for training dates and schedules. We also offer in house events where we can come to you and help you host an in house event and watch your sales soar! To date we have accomplished creating products that customers have found to be exceptional. They are effective and without side effects, quite a statement in today's products. They smell great because we only use Essential Oils to not only scent but because of their aroma therapeutic values. Let's not forget we encompass 3 arts of healing Aromatherapy, Phytotherapy and Homeopathy. Each time you use one of our products you get a small dose of Homeopathic medicine. That works to balance our aura and improve of heath through balancing us. Small steps at a time with accumulative effects. We feel happier, we are happier. We do this for a brighter future. Feel free to contact us ...